Institut für Thermodynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrt (ITLR)

Willkommen beim

Das ITLR gehört zur Fakultät für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie (Fakultät 06) der Universität Stuttgart.

Womit beschäftigt sich unser Institut?

  • Am ITLR werden neben der Lehre drei Forschungsbereiche untersucht: Wärmeübertragung, Tropfendynamik und Überschallverbrennung.
  • Unser Team besteht aus mehr als 60 Mitarbeiter/innen. Dieses umfasst wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen, Mitarbeiter/innen aus den elektrischen und mechanischen Werkstätten und die Verwaltung.
  • Wenn Sie uns am ITLR besuchen möchten, finden Sie hier Details zur Anfahrt.


Trauer um Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens von Wolfersdorf

Das Institut für Thermodynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrt trauert um Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens von Wolfersdorf (15.5.1963 - 2.10.2024). Prof. von Wolfersdorf verstarb unerwartet nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit, am 2.10.2024.

Nach seiner Industrietätigkeit am ABB Forschungszentrum/Alstom Technology in Baden in der Schweiz wurde er in 2001 als Professor an die Universität Stuttgart berufen. Dort war er am Institut für Thermodynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrt für mehr als 20 Jahre als Professor und stellvertretender Institutsleiter tätig. Für seine vielfältigen wissenschaftlichen Beiträge auf dem Gebiet der Wärmeübertragung war er international sehr bekannt und hoch angesehen. 

Wir trauern um einen großartigen Wissenschaftler, einen stets freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Menschen. Unser tief empfundenes Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie.

Wir alle werden ihn sehr vermissen und werden ihm ein ehrendes Andenken bewahren!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens von Wolfersdorf (* 15. Mai 1963; † 2. Oktober 2024)


  1. Gutiérrez de Arcos, D., Waidmann, C., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Göhring, M. (2024). Rotationally Induced Local Heat Transfer Features in a Two-Pass Cooling Channel: Experimental–Numerical Investigation. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, 9(4), Article 4.
  2. Hartmann, C., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2024). Determination of Local Heat Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors at Variable Temperature and Velocity Boundary Conditions for Complex Flows. Fluids, 9(9), Article 9.
  3. Gutiérrez de Arcos, D., Waidmann, C., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., Jäppelt, B., & Semmler, K. (2024, September). Effect of protrusions and leading edge ribs on the local heat transfer characteristics in a two-pass cooling channel under rotation. Proceedings of Global Power & Propulsion Society.
  4. de Arcos, D. G., Waidmann, C., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., Jäppelt, B., & Semmler, K. (2024, September). Effect of protrusions and leading edge ribs on the local heat transfer characteristics in a two-pass cooling channel under rotation. Proceedings of Global Power & Propulsion Society.
  5. de Arcos, D. G., Waidmann, C., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Jäppelt, B. (2022, Juni). Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Local Rotational Heat Transfer Effects in a Two-Pass Cooling Channel Configuration. Volume 6B: Heat Transfer — General Interest/Additive Manufacturing Impacts on Heat Transfer; Internal Air Systems; Internal Cooling.
  6. Waidmann, C., Poser, R., de Arcos, D. G., Göhring, M., von Wolfersdorf, J., Semmler, K., & Jäppelt, B. (2022, Juni). Experimental Investigation of Local Heat Transfer in a Rotating Two-Pass Cooling Channel Using the Transient Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC) Technique. Volume 6B: Heat Transfer — General Interest/Additive Manufacturing Impacts on Heat Transfer; Internal Air Systems; Internal Cooling.
  7. de Arcos, D. G., Waidmann, C., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Jäppelt, B. (2022, Juni). Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Local Rotational Heat Transfer Effects in a Two-Pass Cooling Channel Configuration. Volume 6B: Heat Transfer — General Interest/Additive Manufacturing Impacts on Heat Transfer$\mathsemicolon$ Internal Air Systems$\mathsemicolon$ Internal Cooling.
  8. Seibold, F., Schwab, A., Dubois, V., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2020). Conduction and Inertia Correction for Transient Thermocouple Measurements. Part I: Analytical and Numerical Modeling. Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery.
  9. Seibold, F., Schwab, A., Dubois, V., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2020). Conduction and Inertia Correction for Transient Thermocouple Measurements. Part I: Analytical and Numerical Modeling. XXV Biennial Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery.
  10. Prokein, D., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2019). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Foreign Gas Transpiration using OpenFOAM. Acta Astronautica, 158, 253--263.
  11. Frąckowiak, A., Wolfersdorf, J. V., & Ciałkowski, M. (2019). Optimization of cooling of gas turbine blades with channels filled with porous material. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 136, 370–378.
  12. Steurer, A., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Retzko, S. (2019). Application of the Transient Heat Transfer Measurement Technique Using Thermochromic Liquid Crystals in a Network Configuration with Intersecting Circular Passages. Journal of Turbomachinery 2019, 141(5), Article 5.
  13. Schindler, A., Brack, S., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2019). Coupled FE-CFD Analysis of Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer. 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  14. Prokein, D., Dittert, C., Böhrk, H., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2019). Numerical simulation of transpiration cooling experiments in supersonic flow using OpenFOAM. CEAS Space Journal.
  15. Steurer, A., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2019). Untersuchung der lokalen Wärmeübergangseigenschaften komplexer Kühlungsstrukturen durch Kombinationen experimenteller und numerischer Methoden. Schlussbericht AG Turbo COOREFLEX-turbo 3.2.4.
  16. Steurer, A., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Retzko, S. (2019). Application of the transient heat transfer measurement technique using thermochromic liquid crystals in a network configuration with intersecting circular passages. Journal of Turbomachinery, 141(5), Article 5.
  17. Goehring, M., Hartmann, C., & Von Wolfersdorf, J. (2018). Numerical investigation of transient heat transfer experiments under rotation. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A-2018.
  18. Steurer, A., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Retzko, S. (2018). Application of the Transient Heat Transfer Measurement Technique Using TLC in a Network Configuration with Intersecting Circular Passages.
  19. Prokein, D., Dittert, C., Böhrk, H., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2018). Transpiration Cooling Experiments on a CMC Wall Segment in a Supersonic Hot Gas Channel. AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Cincinnati, OH, United States.
  20. Steurer, A., Poser, R., Von Wolfersdorf, J., & Retzko, S. (2018). Application of the transient heat transfer measurement technique using TLC in a network configuration with intersecting circular passages. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A-2018.
  21. Förster, F. J., Brack, S., Poser, R., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Weigand, B. (2018). A novel surface-integrated spray-on thermocouple for heat transfer measurements. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 93, 356–365.
  22. Goehring, M., Hartmann, C., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2018, Juni). Numerical Investigation of Transient Heat Transfer Experiments Under Rotation. Volume 5A: Heat Transfer.
  23. Prokein, D., Dittert, C., Böhrk, H., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2018). Numerical Simulation of Transpiration Cooling Experiments in Supersonic Flow using OpenFOAM. HiSST: International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science Technology, Moscow, Russia.
  24. Liu, C.-L., Gao, C., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Zhai, Y.-N. (2017). Numerical study on the temporal variations and physics of heat transfer coefficient on a flat plate with unsteady thermal boundary conditions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 113, 20–37.
  25. Makowka, K., Dröske, N. C., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Sattelmayer, T. (2017). Hybrid RANS/LES of a supersonic combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology, 69, 563–573.
  26. Frackowiak, A., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Ciałkowski, M. (2017). An iterative algorithm for the stable solution of inverse heat conduction problems in multiply-connected domains. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 96.
  27. Steelant, J., Dalenbring, M., Kuhn, M., Bouchez, M., & Von Wolfersdorf, J. (2017). Achievements obtained within ATLLAS-II on aero-thermal loaded material investigations for high-speed vehicles. 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017.
  28. Prokein, D., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2017). Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Foreign Gas Transpiration using OpenFOAM. 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Milan, Italy.
  29. Dröske, N. C., Förster, F. J., Weigand, B., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2017). Thermal investigation of an internally cooled strut injector for scramjet application at moderate and hot gas conditions. Acta Astronautica, 132, 177–191.
  30. Schulz, S., Brack, S., Terzis, A., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Ott, P. (2016). On the effects of coating thickness in transient heat transfer experiments using thermochromic liquid crystals. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 70, 196–207.
  31. Förster, F. J., Dröske, N. C., Bühler, M. N., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Weigand, B. (2016). Analysis of flame characteristics in a scramjet combustor with staged fuel injection using common path focusing schlieren and flame visualization. Combustion and Flame, 168, 204–215.
  32. Axtmann, M., Poser, R., Von Wolfersdorf, J., & Bouchez, M. (2016). Endwall heat transfer and pressure loss measurements in staggered arrays of adiabatic pin fins. Applied Thermal Engineering, 103, 1048–1056.
  33. Terzis, A., Skourides, C., Ott, P., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Weigand, B. (2016). Aerothermal investigation of a single row divergent narrow impingement channel by particle image velocimetry and liquid crystal thermography. Journal of Turbomachinery, 138(5), Article 5.
  34. Terzis, A., Bontitsopoulos, S., Ott, P., Von Wolfersdorf, J., & Kalfas, A. I. (2016). Improved accuracy in jet impingement heat transfer experiments considering the layer thicknesses of a triple thermochromic liquid crystal coating. Journal of Turbomachinery, 138(2), Article 2.
  35. Löhle, S., Schweikert, S., & Von Wolfersdorf, J. (2016). Method for heat flux determination of a transpiration-cooled wall from pressure data. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 30(3), Article 3.
  36. Brack, S., Poser, R., & Von Wolfersdorf, J. (2016). An approach to consider lateral heat conduction effects in the evaluation process of transient heat transfer measurements using TLC. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 107, 289–302.
  37. Schulz, S., Schindler, A., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2016). An experimental and numerical investigation on the effects of aerothermal mixing in a confined oblique jet impingement configuration. Journal of Turbomachinery, 138(4), Article 4.
  38. Prokein, D., Böhrk, H., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2015). Analysis of Anisotropy Effects for Transpiration Cooled CMC Leading Edges using OpenFOAM. 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  39. Liu, C.-L., Wolfersdorf, J. V., & Zhai, Y.-N. (2015). Comparison of time-resolved heat transfer characteristics between laminar and turbulent convection with unsteady flow temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 84, 376–389.
  40. Bouchez, M., Dufour, E., Le Naour, B., Wilhelmi, C., Bubenheim, K., Kuhn, M., Mainzer, B., Riccius, J., Davoine, C., Justin, J.-F., Axtmann, M., von Wolfersdorf, J., Spring, S., Villace, V. F., & Steelant, J. (2015). Combustor materials research studies for high speed aircraft in the European Program ATLLAS-II. 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2015.
  41. Terzis, A., Ott, P., Cochet, M., Von Wolfersdorf, J., & Weigand, B. (2015). Effect of varying jet diameter on the heat transfer distributions of narrow impingement channels. Journal of Turbomachinery, 137(2), Article 2.
  42. Dahmen, W., Müller, S., Rom, M., Schweikert, S., Selzer, M., & Von Wolfersdorf, J. (2015). Numerical boundary layer investigations of transpiration-cooled turbulent channel flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 86, 90–100.
  43. Axtmann, M., Von Wolfersdorf, J., & Meyer, G. (2015). Application of the transient heat transfer measurement technique in a low aspect ratio pin fin cooling channel. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A.
  44. Liu, C.-L., Von Wolfersdorf, J., & Zhai, Y.-N. (2015). Time-resolved heat transfer characteristics for periodically pulsating turbulent flows with time varying flow temperatures. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 89, 222–233.
  45. Prokein, D., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Böhrk, H. (2015). Analysis of anisotropy effects for transpiration cooled CMC leading edges using OpenFOAM. 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2015.
  46. Schulz, S., Schindler, A., & Von Wolfersdorf, J. (2015). An experimental and numerical investigation on the effects of aerothermal mixing in a confined oblique jet impingement configuration. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A.
  47. Terzis, A., von Wolfersdorf, J., Weigand, B., & Ott, P. (2015). A method to visualise near wall fluid flow patterns using locally resolved heat transfer experiments. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 60, 223–230.
  48. Axtmann, M., von Wolfersdorf, J., & Meyer, G. (2015). Application of the transient heat transfer measurement technique in a low aspect ratio pin fin cooling channel. Journal of Turbomachinery, 137(12), Article 12.
  49. Dröske, N. C., Förster, F. J., Weigand, B., & von Wolfersdorf, J. (2015). Investigation of heat loads onto an internally cooled strut injector for scramjet application. 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2015.
  50. Terzis, A., Ott, P., Von Wolfersdorf, J., Weigand, B., & Cochet, M. (2014). Detailed heat transfer distributions of narrow impingement channels for cast-in turbine airfoils. Journal of Turbomachinery, 136(9), Article 9.

Ihre Ansprechpartner

Dieses Bild zeigt Bernhard Weigand

Bernhard Weigand

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.


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